Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The purpose of life!

This blog is not for the ones who work all day and complain that they don’t have enough time for fun. This is for the ones having too much fun and feeling guilty about it. I used to belong to the second kind. Not anymore! Now don’t get me wrong here. I have not stopped having fun, it is just that I’ve stopped feeling guilty about it. Arriving at this conclusion took a lot of introspection. I put some deep thought into this and I ended up asking myself the age old question, “What is the purpose of life?”. If I am not here to have a good time, what exactly was I born to do?

When I was young, I wanted to become a pilot. I thought I was born to be a pilot. Well, I am not one at least as yet. Thinking back, did I really believe that god sent me here to transfer a few people across the Pacific and the Atlantic? Guess not! I am an engineer right now. So is this why I am here? To analyze buildings and reduce electricity consumption? Seems very trivial (I’ll definitely make that sound a lot more important on my resume :D).

Over centuries, there have been various answers to the one question. Be it science, philosophy or religion. They all have different ideas. Some of the prominent ones being helping one another, gaining knowledge, attaining spiritual enlightenment, doing good etc. Of the various books published on this, there is one by Timothy Tang that suggests that “Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose”. I found this thought very interesting although I may not completely agree with it.

The very fact that human existence does not have a purpose (for whatever reason) makes it very special. No one is born with a task list. In life, you can do what you want If you really want to. So as long as you’re here, you might as well enjoy yourself. Keep everyone around you and yourself happy. Don’t feel guilty about that extended holiday, extra scoop of triple chocolate ice cream or that expensive dress you bought but never wear . Live your life to the fullest. For all you know, that may be the meaning of your life!


  1. congrats on ur first blog..miss rowdy rangamma...u hit the nail on the's a random variable..i wanted to be a journalist too..guess i m a bits and pieces engineer now..wish i had made the rite choice to purse wat i wanted..i met one random guy on the streets who said he was working for the week magazine..he doesnt get paid much, being an BSC physics guy..but he likes wat hes doing..he covers and reports all events all over tamilnadu..not bad rite..
    I would modify ur blog slightly so as to say enjoy life to ur wat u want to do in life..if u wanna bcome a serial killer bcome one :P
    kudos..nice starter!!

  2. I was playing a guessing game here... thinking which one of the two of you authored this one! the philophical stuff clearly indicated the Y chromosome!
    but then again the expensive dress screamed X me guessing!

  3. PS: you are tagged... both of u!!
    so lets here your 20 things that annoy the crap out of you! :)

  4. I came across this post from sai's status msg. I completely agree with Tang. Human life is a product of evolution by natural selection and there is no real purpose to live except to have fun :)

  5. yeah rite... there is no point in analyzing the purpose of existence n breaking one's head over it... instead tat time cud be spent having fun as well :D... welcome to the blogging community...

  6. this is an awesome blog to start off with gal..good was a good thoughts on our purpose in life - there sure is no better purpose than keepin urself and everyone around u happy...thanks to ppl like u i am enjoyin my life to the fullest..but to be happy in life, u need to slog ur ass and make some good decisions...finally, if u still have that expensive dress and hav no plans of wearing it, can i borrow it pls?
